Swan Song Project Update #1
I just had an initial sales report delivered regarding a version of my Swan Song project that has been available for a short period of time on platform #1. (The goal is to release Swan Song on 5 different platforms this year in 2024.) Initially going into this platform I wasn’t sure what to expect, […]
Game Developer, Milestones, Ramblings
(accomplishments, android, indie, pc, programming)
MGE | Part 2
Flash Rocks My World The popularity of online Flash gaming was just taking off. It was like this platform was specifically made for me. 🙂 A platform where simple little games were played by millions of people every day, if not every hour. I was shocked that the programming language used (AS3) was surprisingly similar […]
Game Developer, Milestones
(android, Atari8bit, AtariST, Flash, indie, Mobile, pc, programming)
MGE | Part 1
I’ve always coded differently. Even back in the Atari 8-bit days, when coding using a basic compiler or even when coding 6502 assembly language, I’ve always taken the easiest way out when it comes to computer programming. Granted in 6502 Assembly my code was a bit more low level and optimized, but anybody that had […]
Game Developer, Milestones
(android, Atari8bit, AtariST, Flash, indie, Mobile, pc, programming)
Project “Sawn Song”
Several years ago (after taking some time off after the Flash bubble burst…and then died!) I started working on my “swan song” app. Yep, the last app that I would ever code for public consumption. I decided to work on this project anonymously due to my experience with previous games I’ve coded. Having your game(s) […]
Game Developer, Milestones
(android, app, indie, Mobile, programming)