
Download Retroblast For PC

Retroblast (Released in 2008) was coded in VB6 using the last version of my DXGame Engine. Similar to the Flash game I would go on to code later called “Retroshoot”, this game was basically an exercise in learning more about code automation, “set it and forget it” game coding, etc. I had seen glimpses of the game Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved for the Xbox, I never played it but I thought it would be fun to code something visually similar in VB6 using my game engine. The game ended up leaning more towards Robotron if you ask me. lol…

The game was coded fairly quickly and ended up being too hard and not balanced properly. Every time you take a hit the power up level decreases way too much which makes it almost impossible to advance to the later levels. But.. if you can stay alive as long as possible without taking a hit, you’ll be able to power up quickly which will at the least give you a fighting chance. lol.. Man this game is SO frustrating because it’s actually pretty fun, I just didn’t make it forgiving enough so it ends up making you want to throw your mouse at the monitor. Seriously.

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