
Why I Fish

Why I Fish

I’ve always wondered why my urge to fish is so strong. As a youth growing up it’s not like any of my family taught me how to fish. Oh sure, my father took me fishing (he didn’t fish) a couple of times and I was even gifted a Popeil Pocket Fisherman. But no one in […]

Fishing, Milestones, Ramblings (, )

Severe Weather 2015

Severe Weather 2015

I’ve always been an very amateur storm chaser. Living in Texas for the past 40 years I’ve had more than my share of very close calls with Tornadoes. We’ve had small tornadoes damage our home, larger tornadoes come within 10-20 miles, tennis ball size hail, insane wind, etc. Back in 2015 I had been dabbing […]

Milestones, Photography, Ramblings (, )

And So It Begins…

So if you’re here you’re probably thinking to yourself.. “How the hell did I get here?” Let’s see if we can find out how you managed to land on my site.. You searched on “Munsie” and my site showed up in the results. Maybe you are a lost relative and would like to re-connect? Maybe […]

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