And So It Begins…

So if you’re here you’re probably thinking to yourself.. “How the hell did I get here?” Let’s see if we can find out how you managed to land on my site..

You searched on “Munsie” and my site showed up in the results. Maybe you are a lost relative and would like to re-connect? Maybe we’re not related at all since my Grandfather actually changed his name from “Muncie” to “Munsie”. lol..

You searched on “Munsie Games” and ended up here. Well, technically I am the sole survivor of “Munsie Games” and if you stick around, from time to time I’ll probably discuss some of the Flash games I’ve coded over the years and possibly even have some playable on this site.

You searched “Dave Munsie Atari 8bit“. wow….if that’s what you searched on that is some old school stuff going on there. I coded a few projects for the 8 bit Atari, mainly some demos, a few games, a crazy ahead of it’s time drum machine and not to mention a pretty decent desktop publishing app. The old brain cells aren’t what they used to be, but perhaps you’ll see a few posts about these projects on this site.

You searched on “Dave Munsie Atari ST“. Yep… the ST years. What a fun time for sure! My claim to fame (lol) on the Atari ST was a library of 68000 assembly language routines that I coded that could be called from within a high level basic language titled “GFA Basic”. This allowed me to rapidly prototype a plethora of demos, small games, etc. I then refined the overall high level “game engine” which allowed me to develop and release several games that appeared on “ST Review” magazine. I also released a few games to the financially lucrative shareware market. πŸ˜‰ lol.. Yes, there was no money but wow I made a lot of friends in the Atari ST world and it was easily the most enjoyable computer development time of my life! If only I would have finished that frickin Choplifter Clone I was working on! lol..

You searched on “Dave Munsie music“. Yah.. there’s a few things floating around out there. Some I’m ok with, others… what was I thinking! lol.. In any event I’m currently putting together my new all digital home recording studio and my goal is to finally get that album I’ve always wanted to record, finished sometime in 2025 or earlier.

You searched on “Dave Munsie fishing“. While fishing is a HUGE part of my life, I have no claim to fame in regards to fishing. Well.. maybe I do. I did start one of the first (if not the first?) groups about rough fishing in the Texas DFW Metroplex a long time ago and several anglers even credit me with bringing rough fishing for Carp, Gar to the masses in the DFW Metroplex! Expect lots of fishing articles on my site. πŸ™‚

You searched on “Dave Munsie disc golf“. I LOVE playing disc golf. Actually… disc golf saved my life. One day I couldn’t walk from my house to the mail box and I knew something was wrong. Well.. maybe it was because I was over 500lbs at the time? yah.. scary stuff. But through playing disc golf I have lost over 300lbs. I learned a lot about weight loss and I plan on sharing my weight loss journey on my site. But who figured… I’m actually pretty good at disc golf in my ripe old age. I’m going to try to play some of the bigger disc golf tournaments and see how I stack up against the other old dudes. πŸ˜‰

You simply searched on “Dave Munsie“. So many potentially random subjects might show up if you just search on my name. lol.. But if you made it this far, you found me. πŸ™‚

I hope you enjoy the ramblings of this old man because apparently he has a lot to blog about. Let’s see where this blog takes me. Thanks for stopping by.

calendar May 16, 2024 category Ramblings

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